• Owl [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Tech companies have now realized that the only way they can provide the infinite growth demanded by capitalism is if they expand into a digital world where all the limitations are imaginary.

    And since the investors really do need infinite growth to keep functioning, I think they have to actually go along with this BS.

    • cawsby [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Why eat when you can you buy an NFT of a singing bowl of ramen?

      • Owl [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I'm actually optimistic about all this. If half the capitalist class fucks off into a digital ancap fantasy land, that's fewer of them we have to fight to control things that actually matter.

        • Snackuleata [any]
          3 years ago

          Wasn’t this Nick Land’s idea before he went full reactionary: that if we accelerate capitalism it will fly off somewhere so we can live in peace?

        • bigboopballs [he/him]
          3 years ago

          If half the capitalist class fucks off into a digital ancap fantasy land, that’s fewer of them we have to fight to control things that actually matter.

          The capitalist class aren't going to be the ones fucking off into fantasy land, I'm afraid

        • SoyViking [he/him]
          3 years ago

          There's no fun in being a rich asshole if you don't have anyone to push around. They're going to drag you with them into digital ancap land, whether you want to or not.

          That meeting at work you have to go to? It will be held in Metaverse. College classes? Go to the ones in the Metaverse, physical presence on campus is a premium experience you can't afford. The only job you're able to get afterwards will be as a NPC in the Metaverse. You want to go to a concert? How will you afford to go in real life, peasant? You will be able to afford it in the Metaverse though.