If I wanted to eat a pear, I'd do so. How nasty did apples taste before this cultivar to get the moniker 'delicious'?

    • Jeff_Benzos [he/him]
      3 years ago

      ultra processed

      Idk I make applesauce by just peeling, boiling, and mashing them

    • TrudeauCastroson [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I think any fruit can be super disappointing, and for me it's mostly texture.

      Good apples are more expensive, and you probably bought apples meant for baking/processing because those are the cheapest. Fiji and Honeycrisp have never disappointed me. I even like granny smiths because they're always crisp and you get over the sourness if you're into sourpatch kids.

      Any slightly not-juicy grape is terrible. White seedless ones are the only ones i can stand, red ones have too many of the disappointing non juicy ones. I bet if you bought some varieties of wine making grapes you'd also be disappointed, they have the same issue of thick skin and not enough juice per grape.