Roughly 30 teens referred to Rush University Medical Center in the past year displayed a range of involuntary actions, from jerking arm movements to curse words to head and neck twitches. Self-injurious behavior was common, according to some doctors, with many patients displaying bruises and abrasions resulting from their tics. Caroline Olvera, a movement-disorders fellow, noticed that numerous teens were saying the word “beans,” often in a British accent. Even patients who didn’t speak English were saying it. Some patients mentioned they had seen TikTok videos of others with tics.
:blocky-wat: :bean-think:
Found it from :trueanon:
You're right. There was no way my dad could have monitored my computer usage.
if you take away a teenagers computer they devote all the time they were spending on the computer to getting it back.
There's not much of a reason to take away a computer, so much school work is done on computers nowadays.
that's just as well because it's really bloody difficult to do in the first place