Julius Henry "Groucho" Marx (October 2, 1890 – August 19, 1977) was an American comedian, actor, writer, stage, film, radio, and television star. He is generally considered to have been a master of quick wit and one of America's greatest comedians.

He made 13 feature films as a team with his siblings the Marx Brothers, of whom he was the third-born. He also had a successful solo career, primarily on radio and television, most notably as the host of the game show You Bet Your Life.

His distinctive appearance, carried over from his days in vaudeville, included quirks such as an exaggerated stooped posture, spectacles, cigar, a thick greasepaint mustache, and eyebrows. These exaggerated features resulted in the creation of one of the most recognizable and ubiquitous novelty disguises, known as Groucho glasses: a one-piece mask consisting of horn-rimmed glasses, a large plastic nose, bushy eyebrows and mustache.

He was also secretly related to Karl Marx, the secret sixth Marx Brother.

Works of Theory by Groucho Marx


Beds: revised & updated edition

Many Happy Returns: An Unofficial Guide to Your Income-Tax Problems

Groucho and Me

Memoirs of a Mangy Lover

The Groucho Letters: Letters From and To Groucho Marx

The Marx Bros, Scrapbook

The Secret Word Is Groucho

The Groucho Phile: An Illustrated Life by Groucho Marx

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  • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
    3 years ago

    You know what's really funny? Watching someone on a stage explain how the thing they just said technically isn't bigoted and how they're actually a Good Person. I think stand up comedians should take this trend to it's logical extreme and just tell one joke at the beginning of their set, then spend the next hour going through various justifications and technicalities regarding said joke, and complaining about people not liking it.

    Although honestly, do you really need the joke at that point? We should just replace stand-up comedy altogether and instead just have people stand on stage reading out Twitter arguments they had and explaining why they were right.

    • Abraxiel
      3 years ago

      That's just twitch and/or podcasting

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      3 years ago

      That's actually not a bad idea for a stand up bit. I could sell the irony and probably get a few gags out of the justification. I'm also generally playing to an audience that isn't that different from the people here so unlike Netflix people would get that I'm joking.