At this stage. Act like he has to earn your vote. The dumbasses who are out there since the moment Sanders dropped saying they will vote Biden for harm reduction means that Biden doesn't have to do shit! Stupid liberals who don't seem to get how to get your agenda in a representative democracy are going to get us Austerity.

  • BiggestLBJ [he/him]
    4 years ago

    My idea is if Biden wins, we'll kick his ass because all the boomers go to sleep but we stay awake and continue the good work. Bill Clinton and his ilk will have to learn he's the one stuck with us the hard way. Could've just gone with Bernie, but now we gotta do this the not-so-nice way since these fuddy duddies don't know a whipper snapper from a jughead so we'll take them to town and take over this party of decrepit bastards whether they like it or not.