BiggestLBJ [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2020


  • BiggestLBJ [he/him]toelectoralism*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    This article reeks of desperation of a kind hard to articulate, like so desperately begging and crying that people become less aware of the situation at a time more people increasingly aware. Maybe not fast enough but it's enough you are seeing articles where they're clearly worried Biden ain't going to do shit to reverse that beyond the boomers who spent 4 years going "orange man bad" and "vote". They know on some level Biden is not able to get the obedience or deference from younger voters someone like Obama once managed, that's why they're worried. Like if Biden fails to do shit it'll be like, opening a way for radicalization to the left more than I think the doomer types who go "Biden leads to mega Trump in 2024" realize. Or at least, at times it is worth seeing the better cases and working towards those whatever the results. Trump wins, that's a sign moderation once again has failed. Biden wins, oh look he's not doing nearly enough and bends to the GOP, we need an actual fighter in the white house who can handle those Republican vipers!

  • BiggestLBJ [he/him]toelectoralism*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Just the progressive protests continuing would cause a shitfit from them at this point. I don't care who wins this year anymore since if Trump wins he'll do fuck all despite all the "dictatorship" fears (never-mind that the house is controlled by a fucking democratic legislature) while making DNC establishment continue to look clueless and unable to do anything right. Like, losing to Trump once is a tragedy, losing to him twice is a farce. Meanwhile if Biden wins Xi will liberate us because the chuds told me Biden's a China puppet.

  • BiggestLBJ [he/him]
    toelectoralismDon't care, still voting for Biden
    4 years ago

    But his legs... they're so hairy... We need the hairiest legs in the white house. I would say, that is a better argument than any of the libs on twitter ever have made for the guy who let the guy who hates women so much he pushed for 5 week abortion bans speak at the DNC.,,, Like I just can't... Howie save us... his legs... so hairy... hair... Okay, I heard if you vote Biden, you'll be mailed a scoop of ice cream.. oh no, he just dropped that from the platform... bleck... Oh, says there he will give the children in the ICE camps nice warm blankets... ohh... it is actually nylon bags instead of aluminum foil... never mind...

  • BiggestLBJ [he/him]
    toelectoralismDon't care, still voting for Biden
    4 years ago

    Yeah i'm actually voting green or PSL in California, but it's funny to say you're voting for the decrepit bastard and even if he wins it's like, jesus christ it'll be just pain to watch as Biden gets circles ran around him by the GOP playing all buddy buddy as they stick knives into him

  • Obviously they just want Trump to win, like Biden's been nicer to us because he knows he probably needs to at least, coalition with some people on the left hence the Warren and Bernie stuff but all these Biden bros are ruining it for him by being so mean to us :C.