
  • HexBroke [any, comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    American football was bad before TikTok existed mate

    Not really a few seconds if there's two minutes of downtime for every minute of play.

    You can compare that to other football sports like soccer or Australian Rules football where it's pretty much continuous play and more exciting for it.

    That said, some people are really into cricket and that drags on for days. Days.

    Is there an eight minute condensed version you can link?

    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Soccer is an interesting comparison, because if you don't understand or like it most of the action just looks like dribbling the ball around. What's interesting is much more a function of if you like and understand the thing than some sort of objective standard. Plenty of people liked Bob Ross and that was a dude painting forgettable landscapes!

      I don't know of any condensed games that are all the way down to 8 minutes, but there are ~40 minute versions like this that are pretty common.