Without capitalism you could not have a dictatorship of the proletariat because without the primitive accumulation of capital there would be no proletariat :marx-goth: liberals destroyed once again with facts and logic
Without capitalism, I wouldn't know firsthand that capitalism doesn't work.
At least we don't have to curtsy to inbred losers just because their great-great-great-great-great uncle once jerked off the king of France like we did under feudalism.
I love that it has provided me with $100K+ in medical debt for emergency care that would be free in pretty much every other country.
I mean yeah the system worked pretty well for me all things considered, I just want others to have a dignified life and this ain't doing it.
I love the freedom to consume! I love the freedom to starve or freeze! I love the freedom to go to prison!
How can capitalism appreciate when all it does is expropriate?
without capitalism we'd still be stuck with the previous exploitation-based mode of production