In the 1930s in Germany, the National Socialists coined the term "d*generate art", derailed art. In that case, the term was used to be able to ban certain currents of art that the National Socialists perceived as unpleasant. Modernist and avant-garde visual art were included here, in music jazz was stamped in a similar way. It can be said that it was in principle a political cultural censorship.
I mean, today we have to realize that some music actually calls for harm to society, to propagate for a largely lawless life where weapons, drugs, trafficking and gang violence is something desirable. It glorifies and draws children and young people into a negative and often deadly spiral and should be seen from a perspective where human safety must be a priority. Local music is as derailed as it can get. Turn off all channels that play music, fine media that write positively about local rappers, let the cancel culture silence local rap forever!
This is coming after a TV debate where SD party leader Jimmie Åkesson yelled "ARE YOU CALLING ME A NAZI" repeatedly at other party leaders. Publicly they try to distance themselves from their nazi forefathers, but the mask slips off a bit too often. This time it slipped A LOT.
Cool country, cool developments! Glad the moderates and libs are willing to cooperate with them.