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I've been languishing in my comfort zone. Continuing to do so will have terrible effects for me. To quote Marx, I "[have] become a monster, a huge mass of flesh and fat, and [am] barely capable of walking any more." Ever since the pandemic started I've become a terminally online antisocial weirdo who barely ever leaves my room, let alone the house.

Of course, in addition to the damage this does to my personal life, it also makes me non - potentially even counter - revolutionary. As someone who wants to be a communist instead of just some internet poisoned middle class dilettante, I don't know how I can be expected to jeopardize the comfort of my parasitic labor aristocratic class position when I can't even get out of my comfort zone enough to go outside, eat real food, and do even the barest minimum of light exercise.

  • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
    9 months ago

    Be more uncomfortable, but make it more comfortable to be uncomfortable. Yeah that's a confusing sentence. I have two and a half suggestions.

    First, even if you've already dug your heels on consumerism, purchase a pair of comfortable shoes. My gold standard I can suggest to anybody is Adidas boost, specifically the Ultraboost. However it isn't worth it unless it's on sale. You can get them as low as $40, but I do suggest buying new. Boost is just better that way. Adidas has stock clearing sales on ebay, definitely worth checking out. There are shoes that you can get consistently cheaper. New Balance is great, but particularly evil politics, Asics are GREAT, probably better than UBs longterm, but extremely hard to get used to but UBs just work for anybody. Also UBs are worse than useless on a slippery floor.

    Second, taper yourself onto eating better. Buy mirepoix or whatever your local veggie combo is, and a box grater. There are things you can add to make this easier, but a box grater is the only tool I'd consider absolutely necessary. Including knives or even pots and pans. If you're making most entrees, I promise it will taste better if you grate in a bunch of vegetables. Gravy? Grate carrot, onion and celery into it, it will be better and thicker. Soup? Yes. Picky kid? I'm a skilled professional chef, that's what grating is for. By the end, you'll be so used to vegetable, you will just automatically consider it in your hunger rotation. If you need any recipes for moving past the grating stage, let me know and I'll give you tons. Seriously, if you like the flavor and don't know how to cook it, just grate it and overcook it for flavor. Adding more vegetables into your diet is the gateway of realizing the rest of the world has been lying to you. That broccoli is actually one of the best vegetables, but simply isn't cooked well enough for most people to enjoy. Gateway vegetables. In the same way DARE says people go from smoking weed to crack, you also can go from eating tendies to broccoli and tendies.

    My half (not a real suggestion) suggestion is to go homeless or extremely poor. Don't go homeless as an experiment unless you're REALLY able to stick to those sorts of things. I knew one person who was able to stick with it hard enough to be valuable, but that's the most minor example of them being an insanely contradictory anomaly. Otherwise, it just happens to many working class people, an event that brings them over any sort of comfortable delusions they hold. You have 8 hours of space a night, where you sleep, and that's if you're lucky. While I'm no longer homeless, those moments of homelessness/pure poverty have made me appreciate what I worked up to far much more. Comfort is hard to come by when you have no where to go, and you learn to take solace in the few moments of comfort you do have. It's (literally) how air conditioning and TV are things that you probably don't think about actively. Once you're out in 100+ degree heat for hours at a time, A/C all of a sudden becomes an oasis in the desert of national austerity.

    The only real way to adjust your feelings is by drastic change that simply makes you appreciate what you want so much. Putting yourself in a spot where you have to decide when you do and don't have the good stuff. The way you deal with this is by changing your idea of good stuff (veggie suggestion, comfy shoes) Or by changing what is bad (the FEW working class/slaves who just learned to be happy with their conditions).

    • WithoutFurtherBelay
      9 months ago

      mirepoix or whatever your local veggie combo

      There’s such a thing as a local veggie combo?

      • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
        9 months ago

        Yep! Pretty much every culture has a base of a few veggies they use that define their food's flavor, usually done with a specific technique. Examples

        British veg: Onion, mushroom, cheese, rosemary fried in butter or lard

        Celtic veg: Leek, Parsnip, Mushroom, Carrot, fried in butter or lard

        French mirepoix; Diced Onion, Carrot, Celery, usually fried in butter

        Italian sofrito: Diced Onion, Carrot, Celery, fennel if available fried in olive oil

        Spanish sofrito: Diced Onion, bell peppers, tomato, fried in olive oil

        Hispanic sofrito: Quartered Onions, whole jalapeno, whole tomato, and whole corn charred without any oil over an open flame.

        Cajun holy "trinity:" Bell pepper, Celery, Onion, garlic fried in a thin, dark lard based roux

        Creole holy "trinity": Bell pepper, Celery, onion, okra fried in lard (no roux)

        German Suppengrun: Carrot, Celery Roots, and Leeks

        Chinese food base: Green onion, ginger, garlic cooked with any oil

        Indian: Onion, ginger, garlic, chilis and garam masala fried in ghee

        Haitian epis: Parsley, scallions, garlic, citrus juice and fish peppers

        Moroccan Chermoula: Diced onion, parsley, cilantro, garlic

        Polish Włoszczyzna: Leek, carrot, celery root, parsley

        Czech trinity: Onions, carrot, leek, parsnip

        I could keep digging fore more, but I'm sure that gives you a lot of new stuff to work with. If you can think of a culture, they have a few veggies they use as a culinary base. I know this is a very west-centric list, but unfortunately the cooking side of the internet is extremely western centric.

      • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
        9 months ago

        Few things of note. I am a chef, so some of these ingredients may not be attainable. If you can't get something I recommend, don't worry about it. If I say chili flake, I mean pretty much any dried chili seeds. I usually use pasilla or guajillo when I have them. You can get a bag of either of these dried chiles for a couple bucks in the "ethnic" section of the grocery store. Cheapest and best chili powder in the store is buying those dried chilis and blending them. Any of these recipes can be added to pretty easily, these aren't set in stone recipes, rather bases for you to explore further. For example, I hate most common dried seasonings as far as veggies go. Garlic, onion powder, dried herbs and such, all those take away from the fresh flavor I like in veggies, so I don't use them much. However, you may find that you love onion and garlic powder on your food. You may find that you like a different oil in a recipe than me, and that's cool! Also, these aren't vegan recipes, but could easily be converted

        Roasted brusselsprouts

        1. Get a flat baking sheet. A warped baking sheet will actually mess with this recipe quite a bit. Put it in your oven and preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

        2. Stem and half your brusselsprouts, keep them in a bowl for later. Mince/grate/slice a shallot and toss it in the same bowl. Chop the shallot however you prefer them. If you like garlic, DO NOT add it at this stage, otherwise your garlic will all burn in the oven. For this reason, I don't add garlic to my brusselsprouts, and just lean on the shallot to give the onion/garlic flavor.

        3. Pour in olive oil or any other good tasting oil, and gently toss. Don't wanna break all the leaves off, you just want the oil to be evenly distributed.

        4. Season brusselsprouts with salt, ground pepper, paprika, and chili flakes, and toss the bowl. Do this after oiling, otherwise it's way harder to get everything even.

        5. Pull out your hot oven pan, and set your brusselsprouts down on the pan face side down. This is labor intensive, but makes the final sprout way better.

        6. Throw it back in the oven for 20 minute or so, you want to pull them out when they're looking nice and brown.

        7. Finish with a light drizzle of olive oil and paprika

        Also, a note on brusselsprouts. You will find recipes online telling you to deep fry brusselsprouts. Deep frying brusselsprouts at home is a god awful idea, they have too much water in them. It's a great way to have oil covering your entire kitchen and be dissapointed because it's still not as good as roasting like this.

        Steamed brocolli

        1. Frozen or fresh, doesn't matter. Boil some water and throw your brocolli over it with a steamer basket. Let steam for 7 minutes or so. Finish by tossing them in olive oil and/or butter, salt, pepper, paprika, and mushroom powder if you have any dried mushrooms. You can add more to these, I really enjoy adding lemon pepper seasoning. Cheesy broccoli is also better this way since it maintains the crunch. One of my favorite ways to flavor this is making either a lemon-honey emulsion (Honey, lemon juice, salt, pepper, a sweet pink\white wine, a touch of soy sauce, shake the shit out of it in a bottle.) Another variant of this is lime, agave, cumin and a pinch of those ground up flying ants. Yes, some bugs really are worth adding to your cooking if you can get them. The flying ants are a popular ingredient in Oaxaca for a reason. It has a citrusy yet strongly umami taste, kinda like chinese fermented black beans, it's great. Very cheap, and an ingredient that once you try it you love eating bugs.

        Roasted carrots

        1. Rinse fresh carrots and cut them into coins. You can peel them, but I find that the skin bitterness works with the rest of the flavor I put down. Also, frozen carrots aren't worth trying to roast. Just microwave them if they're not fresh.

        2. Toss in butter, salt, pepper, chili flakes, some dried microplaned chiles, brown sugar and dried ant powder if you have it. If you happen to be eating any fruit in the moment, squeeze some of that juice in, it's tasty and different.

        3. Roast carrots at 425 degrees for 25 minutes

        4. Pull carrots out of the oven, and finish with honey or agave. If you use agave, skip the brown sugar. But definitely use agave if you're using any dried ant powder. Agave is like 5x sweeter than honey, so it can work really well.


        I don't recomend making spinach on its own, it's just too hard to get truly right imo. HOWEVER, adding it as an ingredient to something else is a great idea. Toss spinach in with your pasta when you finish cooking it and cook it with your sauce. However, IF you're going to, this is a decent way.

        1. Butter in a pan, fry off some garlic, a bit of shallots, and red pepper flakes in the pan. I'd recommend using processed chili flakes for smaller red pieces, the red and white of the aromatics makes it look way better and taste better too. Try not to soften anything, you want them kinda fried. Add a splash of soy sauce and salt at this point.

        2. Add a shit ton of spinach. Shit shrinks like crazy, so use a big pan.

        3. Cook with the aromatic butter for 2 minutes and pull off the heat. Finish with pepper.


        This is a necessary food prep thing. You start doing it and you never go back. Either bake and/or boil your potatoes for the week and keep them in your fridge to be used when needed. Example of this is baking off 8 potatoes for me and my partner to eat throughout the week. Now, I have a baked potato that all I have to do for it to be ready is microwave it. If they're smaller potatoes, I can make smashed potatoes at a moments notice and those are the absolute shit. You can instantly roast off boiled potatoes, or mash them and have a 3 minutes mashed potato throughout the week. Same thing goes for sweet potatoes. Also, longer you bake potatoes, the better they taste, so you can get really good baked potatoes really easy.

        Sweet potato fries

        1. Chop sweet potato into fries

        2. (optional) toss sweet potatoes in potato or corn starch. This will give you normal potato fry crunch if you do this

        3. Season with salt, pepper, chili flake, a proportionally small amount of cumin, and olive oil.

        4. Roast at 425 degrees for 20 minutes. If you have an air fryer or a convection oven, take off 5 minutes. Longer you cook these, the more your sweet potatoes will release sweetness.

        5. Check sweet potatoes for texture. If you tossed them in starch, they're probably done at this point. No matter what, let them cool for about 5 minutes on a cooling rack, and throw your empty pan back in the oven to heat up. If you're still going, raise your oven temperature to 450 degrees.

        6. Pull out your pan again and throw your sweet potatoes back in for another 10-15 minutes to crisp up, replenishing the oil in the pan. Doing a double bake like this makes the sweet potatoes crispier. You can repeat the process as much as you'd like, but it stops being useful after about 4 passes. You can do this with pretty much any starch to make them crispier.


        I don't cook this one, I'm just picky with raw greens. Arugula is related to spinach, but has this really pleasant black pepper flavor that makes me enjoy having it on my sandwiches or even for salads. This is a more expensive green, but it can be had at decent prices in the right time and place.

        Sauteed green Beans

        This is for fresh green beans, if your green beans are canned or frozen, don't bother trying this because there's no way to make the texture right

        1. Butter in pan, fry shallots, garlic, and red bell pepper, and chili flakes with salt and soy sauce/worcherster sauce in a pan. Thinly sliced sun dried tomatoes also make a pleasant addition at this point if you have them.

        2. Crank the heat on your pan and add fresh green beans. Fry them aggressively, you wanna keep them moving. The high heat brings a lot of good flavors out of the green beans quickly. Sautee for about 5 minutes or until your green beans are cooked through but still have a pleasant crunch.

        3. Remove from heat, finish with white pepper and a very light sprinkle of Parmesan cheese. Cheese is optional, but the white on top makes it look really pretty and if you use a SMALL amount, it's a good flavor additive.

        I could probably come up with more, but my arthritis hands are telling me to stop typing so 07