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  • p_sharikov [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Social alienation makes people vulnerable to porn addiction, and companies make a profit off this by exploiting women. Porn involves all the worst features of capitalism: exploitation, commodification, alienation, and a need for "permanent growth" to maintain profits, which has led to the proliferation of more and more fucked up content, including violence, misogyny, and the sexualization of minors.

    Idk about the weebs and furries. I don't really keep tabs on that stuff. My impression was that the furry stuff was caused by people watching tons of anthropomorphic animal cartoons in their formative years, not porn. Although nowadays it could be caused by porn as well, I guess.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      3 years ago

      So, porn and sexualization of minors - A little over a century ago there were basically no laws against fucking minors. Child prostitution was all over the place and was mostly lumped in with regular prostitution. Even up through the 70s kiddy porn was basically legal and there were official publications, like playboy, that featured nude minors. 70s celebrities fucked kids routinely and no one really thought anything of it or cared. The marriage age was like 12 in a lot of the country.

      One of the things that grew out of the Satanic Panic was actual study in to child abuse, and what they found was that abuse was overwhelmingly perpetrated by family members against their kids, and that sexual abuse of minors by male relatives was somewhat common. It just wasn't known before that, no one had bothered to ask.

      I'd argue that while we've probably given a lot more minors EDs due to instagrammification of the human body, but in a legal and social sense society has never been more condemning of adults raping kids. It's a crime almost everywhere in the US, it's taken at least somewhat seriously, and it has negative legal and social ramifications that it simply didn't have 100, 50, or even 20 years ago.