This holiday season, shut the fuck up about how much you hate pumpkin spice lol

  • Edelgard [she/her]
    3 years ago

    When you're not mad that someone poked fun at your treats :maybe-later-kiddo:

    You’re really going all in on following me around on this lol

    When you’re definitely not mad women are talking about gender norms and how they’re enforced by the patriarchy.

    • twitter [any]
      3 years ago

      You got so salty at something I posted in another thread you went and edited your OP just to vaguepost at me, don't blame me for you being thin-skinned about your basic ass suburbanite tastes

      • Edelgard [she/her]
        3 years ago

        I shitposted about men hating on anything they view as feminine (specifically pumpkin spice because lol), got a cool article about it I posted, and then commented on the article.

        This post was never about you and it still isn’t. If the topic upsets you, maybe think about why you are having this kind of emotional response?