Nobody cried about assassination threats when an epic bacon :reddit-logo:or photoshopped all of the Democrats' faces onto Avengers while they beat up TrumpThanos
Honestly it was just a bad post and it's a slow news cycle so libs need something to piss and shit about (although :biden-troll: at the end was kinda funny)
I'm more worried about the fact that it portrayed basically every non-Republican as an evil monster to be slaughtered
Nobody cried about assassination threats when an epic bacon :reddit-logo:or photoshopped all of the Democrats' faces onto Avengers while they beat up TrumpThanos
Honestly it was just a bad post and it's a slow news cycle so libs need something to piss and shit about (although :biden-troll: at the end was kinda funny)
I'm more worried about the fact that it portrayed basically every non-Republican as an evil monster to be slaughtered