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    • Express [any,none/use name]
      3 years ago

      It doesn’t take a genius to see how the winds are blowing and the pivot will probably be an increase in bread rations inside the imperial core while continuing the foreign policy and increase of privatization on the fringes and new markets like space logistics.

          • Homestar440 [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Hey, that’s got a nice ring to it, maybe in the future we’ll call low-income housing Warrens, in honor of her

        • Express [any,none/use name]
          3 years ago

          Right wing governments outside of the US are talking about decreasing inequality and the need for the rich to pay their fair share. If I had to take a guess from what I am seeing the left here will collapse, the current right wing party will become the moderates and we will see the new fringe hyper privatization party start to take over more.

    • mittens [he/him]
      3 years ago

      that's the guy, he's the "mcdonalds having a monopoly over their franchisees' ice cream machines is not free market" guy too, and the "Cuba is evil" guy too.

    • Grownbravy [they/them]
      3 years ago

      My prediction is he’s either spearheading the narrative shift for NYT to support republicans after the democrats lose in the midterms, or he’s panically throwing lifesavers for the party to course-correct.