I’m a teacher in one of the big neoliberal hellscapes and want to get the fuck out. I’m lucky enough that my partner is labor aristocracy and we are talking about trying to save money over the next few years to get a little bit of land to farm up north to get out of the climate apocalypse.
Our long term is to make a space for climate refugees to live in a community and provide mutual aid to people who need it as shit breaks down.
Friends of mine want to do similar stuff and have great skills like being nurses, gardeners, mechanics. As a teacher I have no physical skills but learn pretty quickly.
What skills can I learn to contribute in a post climate world?
basic carpentry/woodworking, cooking/baking, sewing (repairing rips). also learn everything you can from everyone else so you can assist or otherwise take the pressure off when they are busy/gone. lots of work is much easier with an extra pair of hands, even if they aren't experienced.
specialization works in highly complex/stratified societies, but a small group aiming for sufficiency is going to need generalists.
edit: a cool part about the ones I've mentioned is that they are helpful even before you're off to Xanadu or whatever.