
It's about having on-demand gig labor slaves to bring you food from restaurants


If it don't have treats, it ain't my revolution, baby


  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    reating the dual power structures that enable everyone to continue existing as the US continues to crumble apart is going to be vital to any attempt at revolution.

    Word. This is in one sentence why I'm increasingly sympathetic to Anarchist tactics and theory right now. I believe you need a state to fight a state, but I think it's very likely that states as we know them are going to collapse under the weight of capitalism and global warming, and you can't do an ML style takeover of a state that doesn't exist or barely exists, doubly so if the world economy collapses rendering most functions of states superfluous. You could do Anarchism in pre-industrial society, but I'm not sure you can do ML style Communism, so I'm not sure 20th century ML communism will be viable under 21st century global warming induced post-industrial, or at least very disrupted industrial, conditions.