The good news is it would open the door to eventual EU and NATO membership.

Lol. Lmao, even.

  • ReadFanon [any, any]
    9 months ago

    There's nothing I disagree with in your comment but I would be cautious on placing bets on the actions of fascists like Le Pen and AfD.

    I think history shows that fascists are ideological windvanes and the absolute worst type of opportunists, so I'd keep an open mind about the potential for them back flipping on election platforms and policy because if an opportunity presents itself then they're likely to grasp it with both hands, even if it means contradicting themselves and breaking promises.

    There's every chance that your assessment is correct but fascists can be surprisingly unpredictable, especially in their nascent form like we're seeing in Europe today.

    Fuck I hope that we aren't going to see this play out either way though. I'd much prefer to live in a world where this discussion remains squarely in the realms of speculation.