Super underlooked DS9 character. Basically saved from being a one-off cause they needed an extra person form the episode that Jadzia's old hosts occupied her friends bodies for fun. Then she was kind of just around and working at the bar. Once her relationship with Rom got going she really comes into her own , they're adorable together. Among all the spies and terrorists in the show she's just a straight shooter and a genuinely nice person. Leeta has her shit together. Chase Masterson also advocated for worker ownership of the means of production in an interview.

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Wow, okay. That's a terrible first Trek. It's 90% super obscure nerd jokes. My advice is actually to watch TNG first. The first two seasons of that are even worse but hold fast, this is a trial. Enjoying awful shit is a huge part of loving Trek. TNG gets super good by then and you'll get the vibes and be familiar with the setting, DS9 kinda assumes you know what's going on a little. From there you could do DS9 but I'd suggest at least watching a best of list from the original series and then the original series movies then DS9.

    Lower Decks is a comedic take although does actually get the spirit pretty good and DS9 is somewhat of a deconstruction. If you wanna keep up on DS9 feel free and it's one that you'll just kinda love and not really know when it happened to you. Seasons 5&6 are the peak but it builds. I would suggest my watch order though, you have to put off the best one but part of why it's good is how it uses the space politics set up by the other shows. It's all one long continuity.

    Edit: once you've watched all of Trek you're gonna notice so fucking much with Lower Decks. I'm glad a none fan can actually enjoy it though. That was something that worried me where there is sooooo much fanservice and references and nerd Easter egg stuff that I wasn't sure how someone who wasn't a Trekkie would enjoy.