you could probably use initial funds to get a housing co-op started and go from there, to get paid back structure it like a fair loan at a better rate than a bank gives.
Then once that loan is paid, have it in the housing co-op foundation rules that they need to create loan funds for other co-ops to start. Or use that money they paid you back for the loan to make more housing co-ops or to literally give away houses to the homeless.
It doesn't help much unless you also add in a way for homeless people to get in on it though.
I've thought about this being a sort of thing I'd want to do if I suddenly got a bunch of money.
you could probably use initial funds to get a housing co-op started and go from there, to get paid back structure it like a fair loan at a better rate than a bank gives.
Then once that loan is paid, have it in the housing co-op foundation rules that they need to create loan funds for other co-ops to start. Or use that money they paid you back for the loan to make more housing co-ops or to literally give away houses to the homeless.
It doesn't help much unless you also add in a way for homeless people to get in on it though.
I've thought about this being a sort of thing I'd want to do if I suddenly got a bunch of money.