Remember the final offer is never the final offer.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    3 years ago

    The problem with militant sabotage right now is that the stakes are so high. Back before the crime bill and the terrorism bill and the Patriot Act the penalties for being annoying weren't as high. Now everything is terrorism and there's all kinds of evil sentencing laws, so if you do time you're going to do a lot of time, and with everyone being tracked all the time by their phones, and all the shit we type being recorded and analyzed by the feds (hi feds!) it's hard to organize activity. You don't necessarily need organization - A lone actor with some basic tools and some creativity could cause all kinds of problems, and they'd be relatively hard to track down if they practiced some basic opsec and never ever told anyone what they were doing. But the risks are still huge. And it's not like you can hijack a plane and flee to Cuba or Libya anymore. The regime would absolutely shoot down a passenger airliner if it was hijacked post 9/11, and frankly everyone on board would probably fight you to the death if you tried. So the scene is very different from what it was the last time around.