One of their idiot producers had one of their idiot grunts tail the jury bus like he was the fucking Brother Seamus from Big Lebowski. Spooked the cops and now Schroeder says they're barred from the courthouse.

Good God this whole thing is just peak distilled collapsing empire insanity

  • ProfessionalSlacker
    3 years ago

    My favorite aspect of this are libertarian weirdos like Glenn Greenwald acting like this is a good thing lol

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      3 years ago

      What the fuck is wrong with Glenn? I swear he used to be cool but all of his takes in the last few months have been dogshit with a seasoning of fash apologia. What's in the water in Brazil?

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        3 years ago

        What the fuck is wrong with Glenn?

        He hates MSNBC with a frothing passion, because the network is completely owned and operated by spooks. So any time anyone at the company fucks up, he's on the sidelines with an air-horn ready to heckle them with abandon.

        Dude's got a terminal case of Twitter brain.

      • Rem [she/her]
        3 years ago

        He's a libertarian 🤷🏻‍♀️