It's insane the lengths that some people will go to save a few seconds on their commute, while also endangering others.

    4 months ago

    I don't understand why these people can't see the cameras are there to protect everyone - including drivers.

    Maybe because cameras can't protect anyone. They gather evidence for incrimination, not prevention.

      4 months ago

      From 1992 to 2016, speed cameras reduced accidents by between 17 to 39 per cent and fatalities by between 58 to 68 per cent within 500 metres of the cameras.

        4 months ago

        That's a report on a single study in the UK. We cannot necessarily assume that the outcome will be the same or even similar in all jurisdictions and social driving norms. The US, for instance, doesn't have speed cameras, but the use of red light cameras has no effect in the rate of accidents at best and an increase in the rate of accidents at worse and it's not clear what impact the introduction of such cameras to the US would have. Meanwhile the UAE does have speed cameras, but they do nothing to limit the speed of the Emirate citizens and only the threat of harsh fines, punishment, or deportation keeps the immigrant and working population in line.

        While this camera was in a location which already has cameras, the claim quoted was not that "UK cameras protect UK drivers," but one of "Cameras [in general] protect everyone" which is simply not true. Cameras have only the mechanisms necessary to record and report, they have no mechanism by which they can divert, slow, or stop a car or pedestrian and no mechanism they can use to stop an accident.

        • 7bicycles [he/him]
          4 months ago

          The US, for instance, doesn't have speed cameras

          That's just straight up wrong.

        • wopazoo [he/him]
          4 months ago

          Cameras have only the mechanisms necessary to record and report, they have no mechanism by which they can divert, slow, or stop a car or pedestrian and no mechanism they can use to stop an accident.

          There is no need to stop a crash in-progress when the dangerous behavior that would have resulted in that crash never happened in the first place because of the discouraging effect of traffic cameras.

          4 months ago

          The cameras in question are on the UK, and cameras change behaviour because they enforce rules, as the study shows.

      4 months ago

      That is a bad take.

      TL;DR: If you do incriminating stuff, you should be incriminated.

      There are rules that every driver has to adhere to. The rules are there for protection of the drivers and the people that rely on the drivers driving safely. But the thing is: without consequences, some people show bad behaviour, one being ignoring the rules which are made to keep people safe. In order to suppress such behaviour, fines and punishment are used.

      I have been driving cars for around 10 years and have gotten a fine three times. The amount I paid for it in total was roughly 10 Euros per year, which is less than 1 Euro per month. And I could have avoided having to pay this by just being mindful and acting according to the rules, which I did not.

      If people feel like they should drive 120 kmh in a 50 kmh zone or even worse, without any proper justification, they do not belong behind the wheel of a car.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        4 months ago

        TL;DR: If you do incriminating stuff, you should be incriminated.

        Boot tasty.

        • 7bicycles [he/him]
          4 months ago

          It's a bad TL;DR but they do lay out why it's illegal

          • Awoo [she/her]
            4 months ago

            I couldn't care less. These cameras exist entirely to make councils money. When they actually want traffic slowed they redesign the road properly with traffic islands.

            Destroying these cameras is a good thing. It either fucks over council revenue sources that mainly fuck the poor while affecting the rich not one bit, or it results in getting actual redesigns of the roads properly because they do actually want that road to be safer.

            This method is a little extreme though tbh we usually just chuck paint on them. This one is tall in order to make that less viable it seems.

          4 months ago

          Oh, yeah... so if you do incriminating stuff, say... acting in a way that directly leads to people being hurt, maimed and / or traumatized, you should just get a pat on the back. I will just have to presume that this is what you are saying.

          • Awoo [she/her]
            4 months ago

            acting in a way that directly leads to people being hurt, maimed and / or traumatized

            If that's your benchmark then 90% of people should be considered criminal.

            Out of interest do you support Israel and/or the continuation of the war in Ukraine or do you support ceasefires?

        4 months ago

        People would be less upset about the cameras if a) we weren’t already the most surveilled western country already. B) the fine for minor speeding was minor. as you mentioned you paid 100 euros for 3 fines. In the uk you can be fined for doing 33 in a 30, and the fine will be 100 euros per time, plus points that makes your insurance go up as well. And c) there weren’t so god slam many of them. I live in Europe now, but went back to the uk to visit friends and family and honestly there have to be about 40-50 times many cameras in the uk than in Germany!

        • 7bicycles [he/him]
          4 months ago

          Speaking from germany, 33 in a 30 wouldn't even trip the speed cams here. Earliest infraction is basically doing 6mph over on a 30mph road, which would come at 50€ fine. We apparently also have 50 times less speed cameras and it absolutely does not stop people from fucking malding over them. They have to be designed bulletproof here now and even those still get regularly blown up. None of the points you raise change anything about it, because the core issue is people are terminally car brained

    • wopazoo [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Do you not feel discouraged from speeding or running red lights when there are traffic enforcement cameras watching?

  • Rom [he/him]
    4 months ago

    If people are driving too fast on a road then the road is badly designed. Speed cameras are a bandage covering up the problem of shit infrastructure.

      4 months ago

      Better infrastructure would be great, but there will always be places where you will need to drive slower than the designed speed, and drivers should be able to follow that if they're going to be allowed to pilot a large and dangerous vehicle.

    • wopazoo [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Traffic calming and speed cameras are carrot and stick in lowering the speed of roads. Lowering the design speed of roads alone is never going to stop drivers in a hurry from driving dangerously fast. People aren't deterred from commiting crimes by heavy penalties, they are deterred by the chance of getting caught. Automatic traffic enforcement raises that chance to 100%.

      • Rom [he/him]
        4 months ago

        Lowering the design speed of roads alone is never going to stop drivers in a hurry from driving dangerously fast

        Why wouldn't it? If drivers feel unsafe speeding down a road then they simply won't speed, rendering speed cameras unnecessary. If you see a speed bump ahead of you aren't you going slow down?

        • wopazoo [he/him]
          4 months ago

          Speed cameras are applicable to all roads, from the 30 km/h residential street to the 140 km/h highway. Speed cameras are also self-funding and thus have a negative cost. Fines collected by speed cameras can be used to finance road redesign and traffic calming measures.

            4 months ago

            It's not like that in every country. For example, speed cameras in Italy can't be placed in 30 km/h zones

            4 months ago

            They can also be used to kickback to the politician and the lobbyist who work for the company that profits from them.

            • wopazoo [he/him]
              4 months ago

              Please explain to me where the money to redesign and rebuild like half the city's roads is going to come from if not from a transitional period of speed cameras.

              Say, why are you such a virulent opponent of speed cameras? Do you find yourself to be a chronic speeder?

                • wopazoo [he/him]
                  4 months ago

                  Lol the absolute state of speed camera opposers

                  If you don't drive, you have literally no reason to oppose speed cameras. Speed cameras reduce the negative externalities of cars at literally no cost to you. If you don't drive, you cannot get a speed ticket.

                  Also, for the China fans out there, consider how the widespread implementation of automatic traffic enforcement cameras in China that do things from watching if you're speeding, to watching if you're driving in multiple lanes at once, to watching if you're wearing a seatbelt have massively improved driving conditions and reduced road chaos in China. Automatic traffic enforcement makes driving better.

              4 months ago

              The same can be said for anything that the government contracts out. Road building is another good example, and there's a lot more money to go around there than with speed cameras.

          4 months ago

          I was once passed by someone who was speeding along a narrow, windy road while I was following the speed limit. That entire length of road is a no passing zone. If they had passed slightly later, they would have had a head-on collision with another automobile that was coming the opposite direction. Some people will just do dumb things, no matter the road design.

    • 7bicycles [he/him]
      4 months ago

      I mean so what's to be done then. I agree on "redesign pretty much every street or road" but like, until then, it's just a great big free for all?

        • wopazoo [he/him]
          4 months ago

          Ah yes, let's just close all the roads in the country until we get that sorted out, great idea.

            4 months ago

            Why not? It's obviously a huge hazard and people can't be trusted to use it safely. So for the public health and safety this road should be closed. This also means the poor council doesn't need to maintain this road anymore saving money in the long run. Maybe a train could even replace where the road was increases throughput and safety for everyone.

            • 7bicycles [he/him]
              4 months ago

              Why not?

              Because that's hardly what can be considered a realistic solution. Again, not against it, but what, are you gonna close down like 90% of roads? Only some of them, if so, which ones, and how is stuff handled on the ones that remain open?

                • 7bicycles [he/him]
                  4 months ago

                  just roads that "require" speed cameras.

                  So when's that the case or not

                • wopazoo [he/him]
                  4 months ago

                  I'm sure your plan will be popular with the motoring public that anti speed camera rhetoric is trying to appeal to.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 months ago

    Lmao cutting down speed cameras is praxis. Jog on. These things are just there to make local councils money.

    When they actually want a slower road they put speed bumps or traffic islands on it.

      4 months ago

      They wouldn't make money if people managed to, you know, just follow the speed limit. If you can't follow a basic rule of the road you shouldn't be driving.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        4 months ago

        We live in material reality, not a fantasy in your head. Justifying bullshit that specifically fucks over the poor while not really affecting the rich (because fines are just fees you pay to break the law when you're rich enough for them to be minor inconveniences) with what amounts to Cartman screaming RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAH is bullshit. You want people to actually slow down? Redesign the road.

        This praxis does two things, it prevents the poor being fucked over if these are just there to make council money, or it causes them to give up on the camera and properly redesign the road when it's actually about real safety concerns.

        Given this has happened before and they only replaced the camera I'm siding with "it's for council income not actual safety". If they do it again I feel doubley vindicated in that opinion. If it's actually about real safety concerns they'll give up on the camera and add in pedestrian refuge islands to slow traffic instead. Love these badboys


          4 months ago

          The local community campaigned to get these speed cameras because people were speeding. Redesigning the road would be great, if the council had money to, but I doubt they do.

          Poor people aren't getting screwed over by this because poor people can't afford to drive, they're the ones that have to deal with the unsafe driving of the middle class dada on their German coupes that can't bare to drive at less that 50mph.

          • Awoo [she/her]
            4 months ago

            It literally says in this article that one of the cameras mentioned has clocked 17,000 people. Of course they have money to do it. Croydon council responded to FOI request stating it costs £2.5-£3.5k to install traffic islands. The cost of a speed camera installation on the other hand is £85,000 according to Bedford Council, with a £5000 annual upkeep cost.

            The cost of physical redesign traffic calming measures is significantly cheaper to install than the cameras, whose cost is justified by councils because of the income they bring in thereafter.

            The insistence on replacing it instead of doing something else is being justified internally because even with these attacks they consider it to be making more than it's costing them.

            Poor people aren't getting screwed over by this because poor people can't afford to drive,

            Mate fuck right off. This statement just screams that you've never actually done any organising or volunteering with the poor in the UK. Please volunteer at a food bank for once in your fucking life and learn what kinds of people the 3million people in this country attending them are like. It will surprise you, expand your view of society a bit, and you'll be doing an actually-good useful thing.

              4 months ago

              The poorest people own the fewest cars, and are the most affected by things like air pollution, and if they do have to own cars they're the ones most at hurt by car dependency (which is perpetuated by road violence caused by things like speeding).

              And please don't pretend like you know my life.

              • Awoo [she/her]
                4 months ago

                If you say utterly stupid ass things like poor people don't own cars I will absolutely assume you don't interact with the people struggling to survive in this country in any capacity. It's a bloody stupid thing to say mate.

                I mean what I said, go and volunteer and see for yourself.

                  4 months ago

                  I'm sorry I didn't think I needed to spell it out that much to you. Obviously I don't think all poor people don't drive. But the poorest don't, and statistically poorer people drive a lot less and are more impacted by things like this.

            • 7bicycles [he/him]
              4 months ago

              Croydon council responded to FOI request stating it costs £2.5-£3.5k to install traffic islands. The cost of a speed camera installation on the other hand is £85,000 according to Bedford Council, with a £5000 annual upkeep cost.

              Croydon cites average cost for roughly such an action at 2,5k - 3,5k in a denial of the FOI request which means there's pretty much no way to know how much it actually costs depending on what they calculate the average on and if you have any idea about the cost of public works that number should strike you as very, very oddly low.

              Wiltshire government here cites about 45.000k for a traffic island narrowing a road to one lane, all in all.

              The source you cite for the cameras, however, puts those costs for 2 cameras, so 42,500 a pop / 2500 upkeep annual, albeit with returns via fines obviously.

        • 7bicycles [he/him]
          4 months ago

          You want people to actually slow down? Redesign the road.

          I've posed this question elsewhere in this thread and: what until then? Like what do you do until a good, what, 50 - 90% of road depending on criteria, is redesigned?

          • Awoo [she/her]
            4 months ago

            The process and length of time it takes for either option are practically the same. It's irrelevant. Not to mention a traffic island costs like £3k while a camera costs £85k (guess why they pick the camera despite the price).

            • 7bicycles [he/him]
              4 months ago

              The process and length of time it takes for either option are practically the same.

              Sure, but you're arguing for like instant speed camera abolishment or destruction here, aye?

              Not to mention a traffic island costs like £3k while a camera costs £85k (guess why they pick the camera despite the price).

              Dunno if you got to that one already but I've did a reply pointing out where you're a bit off there

              • Awoo [she/her]
                4 months ago

                Sure, but you're arguing for like instant speed camera abolishment or destruction here, aye?

                As a means of discouraging their construction in the first place and the harm they do to the poor I am defending the person who did this.

                I am not advocating anyone do anything illegal. illegal-to-say

                • 7bicycles [he/him]
                  4 months ago

                  You can just say yes, you don't have to couch this shit in a good WKUK skit.

                  Do they do harm to the poor that are on bicycles, or walking, then?

      • Awoo [she/her]
        4 months ago

        Eh? This is nowhere near Newport and it's not a motorway either.

        • Satanic_Mills [comrade/them]
          4 months ago

          There are speed cameras all over the country, including on non-residential roads where traffic calming measures are not appropiate interventions.

      4 months ago

      Unlimited funding for speed camera's and kickbacks, zero funding for road redesign? That sounds really safe!

  • AutoTL;DR@lemmings.worldB
    4 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A speed camera that was only recently replaced was among two cut down overnight in Cornwall.In the latest attack on the county's speed traps, police said the speed camera at Perranarworthal had been cut down for a second time after it was first vandalised in October 2023 and replaced in November.Another camera was also attacked on Tregolls Road in Truro at about 03:10 GMT, officers said.Devon and Cornwall Police said those responsible had left the scene before officers arrived.

    The cameras in Perranarworthal were installed in March 2023 after campaigning from residents.Cornwall Councillor Peter Williams, who represents Perranarworthal, said: "It is absolutely horrendous why people go and do these things under the noses of where people live.

    The speed camera on Tregolls Road in Truro had more than 17,000 activations the year after it was installed, according to police.Loic Rich, Truro City Councillor for the Tregolls Ward, said parents had complained about the dangers of speeding in the area.He said: "Where the speed camera is, or was, it's used by parents taking their children to two primary schools ... it's one of the busiest crossings in Truro and there's been a number of quite bad accidents.

    "For hundreds of people in that area, the speed cameras actually had a really positive effect on their quality of life.

    "Whoever's cut down the speed camera, and I don't know why they've done that or what they're trying to achieve, I think it's a real shame.

    Cornwall Council and Devon and Cornwall Police, both members of the Vision Zero Road Safety partnership, said in a joint statement that they were disappointed to see "yet more mindless vandalism targeted at safety cameras".They said: "These devices were installed at the wishes of the community to improve road safety in areas, which had previously experienced high speeds and several serious and fatal collisions.“While these cameras are inactive, these communities no longer have the protection they were once afforded, which is really saddening.“The cost of replacing these cameras is also a burden which has to be footed by the taxpayer, making these attacks all the more bizarre."

    The original article contains 434 words, the summary contains 350 words. Saved 19%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!