The cocaine crackled in my nose immediately, my head flooded with unearned dopamine as I lifted my head away from the toilet top as the bass from some shitty electrosynth song from a band I didn't care about untill some girl I wanted to bang that night said to play it on the speakers. In front of me was the mirror, and there I stood resplendent under the LED glow- a sweaty, Hawaiian shirted guy with Jim Morrison hair and the wild eyes only a true party animal has. It was at that moment that I realized: "Holy shit me and Harry Du Bois from Disco Elysium would get along really well" then I realized something else: "Almost every video game protagonist would fucking suck to hang out with". What a rotten culture eh? Like imagine telling Duke Nukem that you were sad that you got stood up or something. "Man Duke, my life sure does suck lately eh?" and he'd reply "GROW SOME BALLS YA PUSSY" and laugh at your sob story

Wonder if that says anything about what we like in stories. We lionize a lot of antisocial types

  • zeal0telite [he/him,they/them]
    3 years ago

    I cannot think of anyone I would like to hang out with less than Harry Du Bois. Like, I made him self-improve a lot in my playthrough but otherwise he's a mess of an addict who destroys every relationship he's ever been in.

  • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Arcade from Fallout New Vegas - guy is so awkward that I feel personally attacked by his existence, like the game's going, "This is you dumbass. Everyone thinks they'd be the courier, but this is you - the least socially able person at an anarchist commune." I think we'd bond over our shared inability to interact with other people.

    Solaire from Dark Souls - I think his endless optimism would wear down on me in time but he seems like the kind of bloke who genuinely cares about his friends' mental health.

    Dietrich from Shadowrun Dragonfall - for a washed up punk frontman, Dietrich is incredibly chill.

  • WalterBongjammin [they/them,comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    There's this NPC in Assassin's Creed: Syndicate that seems like he'd be pretty fun to hang out with. If I remember correctly, he asks you to deal with a police spy

    • MerryChristmas [any]
      3 years ago

      Ichiban Kasuga would legit be the coolest friend. He's strong, moral, loyal, altruistic and humble. He treats the homeless and sex workers with proper respect, refusing to ever punch down. He intervenes any time he sees a woman dealing with street harassment or an elderly person who needs help crossing the street. He has some lessons to learn about capitalism in general, but his heart is in the right place.

  • Yurt_Owl
    3 years ago

    The little dude in intelligent qube on ps1. Cos i wanna know how they ended up on a platform constantly warring with a never ending wave of cubes.

  • GuyWTriangle [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Seigward/Seigmeyer from Dark Souls- a big, bumbling oaf with a heart of gold

    All of the companions from The Outer Worlds- I thought the best part of TOW was the companions and their personalities

    Veronica from Fallout New Vegas- she's the most fun to have around

      • GuyWTriangle [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        So much of Vicar Max reminded me of my dad. And then when I did a playthrough as a dumb character and Max really does just become your dad taking care of his stupid son

  • Good_Username [they/them,e/em/eir]
    3 years ago

    I don't know, I think there are a lot of game characters I'd like to hang out with. The entire casts of Celeste and Undertale, for one thing. The Hearthians from Outer Wilds also seem really neat. And most of the characters in Hollow Knight too. Just chilling with Elder Bug or The Old Stag would be really fun. I'd happily do skooma with Caius Cosades from Morrowind. Veronica from New Vegas could teach me how to punch stuff. And if I could spend some time in the world of Pathologic 2 just talking to all the townspeople, I absolutely would, assuming there were no plague happening, of course. Except Mark Immortell, fuck that guy.

  • rubpoll [she/her]
    3 years ago

    The entire cast of Night in the Woods. Who doesn't wanna spend the day shoplifting with their friends? Or making a robot out of garbage? Or throwing tacos into each others' eyes?

  • NPa [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Gordon Freeman would be a chill hang (great listener), until you say something dumb about quantum mechanics and he pulls out his doctoral thesis and lectures you for six hours

  • Philosoraptor [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    I feel like HDB is a lot like Hunter Thompson: sure, in your head he sounds like he'd be fun as fuck to hang out with, but in person it would mostly just be terrifying and stressful. They're both in the habit of doing inhuman amounts of drugs and then waving guns around because they're sad, which is not really what I look for in a buddy (well not the second part, at least).

    • disco [any]
      3 years ago

      Yeah I’ve hung out with that guy. He sucks.