I should be studying right now, but everytime I sit to study, I can't sit there long enough, I want food even though I am not hungry, I want to watch TV/youtube, self-pleasure... etc...

No matter what productive work I want to do, I will try to not do that and do something which gives me momentary pleasure. I want to masturbate, eat lots of food even though I am not hungry while watching TV/Youtube and I don't seem to be able to break the cycle and it's destroying me. How can I break the cycle and do something good for a change instead of pleasuring myself in the moment meaninglessly?

  • @twinnie@feddit.uk
    4 months ago

    When I was at university I couldn’t work at home at all and I had to force myself to go to the library on campus and work there. I later learnt I had ADHD though, so that didn’t help.

  • @fine_sandy_bottom@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    4 months ago

    You need practice at concentrating on your work.

    In the same way you'd work out to build muscle strength, your mind needs regular training to stay in shape.

    Start with sensible, achievable goals and improve over time.

  • Mr PoopyButthole@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    As others have said, this could be symptomatic of something like ADHD.

    I didn't get diagnosed until 18 and it changed the game. I was very hesitant to start stimulants because of misinformation and stigma, but my doctor corrected a lot of that and it's changed my life.

    Doctor Russell Barkley has been at the forefront of ADHD research for decades and has a YouTube channel that's packed with useful information. If what you see resonates with you, I'd talk to your doctor about it.

  • @penquin@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    Going to the gym and lifting heavy has been medicine for me. Eating healthy (I make my own food from scrstch). Walking. Hiking. It's a mentality change. My health was deteriorating. My knees were giving out on me at an early age. I started to become diabetic and that was a major issue. Now, it's all gone. I am healthier than ever. Never bored. Always have something to do. And at the end of the day when I have time, I'd play video games to relax. I only do an hour and max 1.5 hours then just get up. I usually set up a timer and stop the game right away when the timer goes off. Do things that attract your interest. That way you get busy with them. Change majors if you had to. If you're bored with school then it's not the major for you. Stay away from anti-depressants and all that. You have your own medicine in your hands. Good luck to you and I hope that things get better for you.

  • @TheGalacticVoid@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    I won't give you the "self-discipline" options since others touched on it. If it's a mental thing, it could be ADHD, anxiety, and/or depression. Before you dismiss it, look at the diagnostic criteria from doctors on YouTube or maybe the ICD. I wouldn't put too much weight into the DSM-5 for ADHD because it's been criticized for having an inaccurate or stereotypical view of it. People like Dr. K (HealthyGamer) say that ADHD is simultaneously overdiagnosed and underdiagnosed for similar reasons. If you do go the psychiatry route, make sure you find a doctor who genuinely listens. Medication and therapy can change your life for the better, but they won't do that if the person giving the treatment doesn't care.

  • Digital Mark@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    What you're looking for is Stoicism. You can start with Emperor Marcus Aurelius' Meditations or Epictetus' Enchiridion.

  • GreenWater [she/her]
    4 months ago

    I often have cravings for food on my period. I try my best to work around it but it can be very difficult.