I'm letting people who hurt me in the past live rent free in my mind.

One episode involves a former landlord that tried to run me over in an intersection with no traffic cameras.

Another one involves a manager that fired me for informing that one of his favorites yelled during night shift and ignored alarms to talk. He fired me the next day, used the exit interview to tell me everything I didn't do right (but kept quiet about his favorites, even though I did the job like them), still had the utmost confidence on his favorites, accused me of being lazy and instead of simply firing me and keeping neutral he chose to take it personal, proceeded to try to scare me insinuating I wouldn't work for his system again, when that failed, tried to humiliate me and then fired me. This was in an non union hospital.

When I think about it I get angry. Id like not to be so thin skinned, but here I am.

  • brotazoa@lemm.ee
    9 months ago

    I find that saying things out loud, even to just myself, can really help. I read something that tried to say you use a different part of your brain when you hear yourself vs only think inside your own head, and that it makes a difference. I don't know if that is true, or backed by any evidence, but it works for me.

  • gasgiant@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    The quote. "Resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die"

    It's like you're doubling down on what happened. Either they didn't know/care it hurt at the time or wanted to hurt you but now you're using your energy to extend the hurt.

    When you start getting angry about it acknowledge it but then do something positive for yourself.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee
    9 months ago

    rent free

    It's pedantic, but I dislike this phrase a lot. It applies shame of all things to whatever motives someone might have to something. It's one of those "it sounds good to people who aren't going through those things, let's use it on this person who is thinking about the time her kids were taken from her" kinds of things. I for one am analytical about all of my feelings, I don't feel sentiments just for their own sake. Or I did, back before I had anhedonia (which might explain how I personally am doing with this issue, though ironically, some of the same people who used to say we should be more passive now say I don't feel as much as I should). I'm not some willy-nilly revenge seeker, but I don't know how someone could say I don't have any reason to proceed with caution around those who I might envision as still being a potential neglector to me. Though I can attest many people like us find solace in making friends with the friends of the people who wronged said people, as it's said to create a sanction-like effect.

  • Sombyr@lemmy.zip
    9 months ago

    I'm still learning how myself, but something that's helped so far is repeatedly telling myself that the only way they can hurt me now is if I'm thinking about them.
    It's the only weapon people have left once they're out of your life. If you keep being angry about something that's long over, you're giving them the power to keep hurting you, free of any effort on their part, and they don't deserve that luxury.