text based communication means we have to find ways to be condescending dickheads without relying on tone of voice, and since now the only public culture most people participate in is posting online that means the norms of text-based communication where we figured out ???'s are a fun way to be an obnoxious asshole then get copied by people offline who try to invoke it by inflecting their catty bullshit like it's a bewildered rhetorical question.
this is why allistitics shouldn't get to set social norms. you all ruin it for everyone.
text based communication means we have to find ways to be condescending dickheads without relying on tone of voice, and since now the only public culture most people participate in is posting online that means the norms of text-based communication where we figured out ???'s are a fun way to be an obnoxious asshole then get copied by people offline who try to invoke it by inflecting their catty bullshit like it's a bewildered rhetorical question.
this is why allistitics shouldn't get to set social norms. you all ruin it for everyone.