For those who don't know about the Attack Helicopter Story saga: Neon Yang and NK Jemisin harassed the writer Isabel Fall (a trans woman) for writing a queer mech story.

And harassment really dosen't do it justice becuase Fall was hospitalized for severe depression, and from what I've read has stopped their transition. Primarily becuase of intense gender disphoria brought on by Yang, Jemisin and their cretinous followers saying Fall must be a cis-man for writing this story. They didn't even read it, they just didn't like the title and invented a bizzare conspiracy theory that claimed Fall was a neo-nazi. Afterwards both of them gave a really shitty WhatApp apology and moved on with their lives, so much so that apparently Yang now has the gall to do this shit.

  • CrimsonSage [any]
    3 年前

    Trans women in our society are simultaneously viewed as 3 different, largely mutually exclusive, archetypes:

    -Objects of public, usually sexual, consumption and use.

    -The hidden male predator attempting to take through deceit.

    -The ultimate consummation of the deceiving female.

    Basically all of these are the pat psychological schema people use when justifying why it is ok to treat us badly. Because they are largely mutually exclusive in totality but still related in part, bigoted people can seamlessly move between them while not triggering a sense of cognitive dissonance.

      • CrimsonSage [any]
        3 年前

        Yes all three schemas are used in a constantly moving interplay in a way that objectives us while simultaneously subjectivizes us, denies our femininity while holding us as the ultimate expression of femininity. Because their internal identification of us is in constant flux except as the other they never have a stable mode that can form dissonance. The only constant in their identificationof us is in the self that they are ideating us in reference to. This is why what transphobes say says more about themselves than trans people. It's largely why arguing with transphobes is completely pointless.

        • BodyBySisyphus [he/him]
          3 年前

          This is a really informative discussion. Thanks for sharing and sorry society sucks so much.

      • CrimsonSage [any]
        3 年前

        Serano is amazing and everyone should be required to read her before they are allowed to have opinions on gender. She isn't perfect or comprehensive, or in some places even relevant anymore, but it is one of the most correct and comprehensive takes I have ever read.