Stars are spheres
Planets are spheres
Atoms are spheres
Butts? Well, those are just two spheres.
Why so many spheres?
Makes you think.
Edit: Fuck I made an orb pondering meme without even trying
Stars are spheres
Planets are spheres
Atoms are spheres
Butts? Well, those are just two spheres.
Why so many spheres?
Makes you think.
Edit: Fuck I made an orb pondering meme without even trying
A lot of galaxies are spherical. Roughly, so - they're called elliptical galaxies. And while it's pretty complicated, as you might imagine, galaxies tend to become elliptical, as galaxies grow via cannibalization. And even disc-like spiral galaxies are still spherical when you consider the dark matter, which is every bit as much a part of a given galaxy as its stars are.