(yeah i know leftbook is generally bad and no i didn't expect anything better but still)

Yes, employers should be paying delivery drivers way more instead of other working-class people making up the difference. Yes, the US system of tipping and the fact that service workers rely so heavily on tips is fucked up. No, that doesn't give you an excuse to not tip the person who's bringing you your treats.

Multiple people called this meme "ableist" and "classist" :agony-shivering: and even more are saying "delivery driving's way easier than making the food and sometimes they deliver it to the wrong place!!! so they don't deserve to be paid more!"!!

If your arguments sound exactly the same as a chud's, you are not a leftist, you are a propaganda mouthpiece for billionaires that would love to see you drop dead. Shut the actual fuck up you PMC radlib swine. /rant

  • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
    3 years ago

    Ok so I found this . (at work so i dont have a lot of time to vet it)

    Apparently like most things wrong with america, it traces back to slavery:

    Well that movement, which came right around the time of the emancipation of the slaves, was squashed by the restaurant industry, which argued that they should have the right to hire newly freed slaves and not pay them anything as valueless people and essentially let them live on customer tips. And so many of the first tipped workers in the United States were former slaves…. And this idea was codified into the first minimum wage law that passed in 1938 as part of the New Deal…. We went from a zero-dollar minimum wage in 1938 to a whopping $2.13 an hour, which is the current federal minimum wage for tipped workers in the U.S.
