I've been having some trouble reading some theory, Not because of the actual Ideas that are being discussed, those are the Easy Parts, it more-so has to do with the Way It's Written that I have a harder time comprehending it.

More-often than-not I just end up kinda glossing over the literature and it just makes me feel stupid. I don't know what the writing styles of Marx and Kropotkin can really narrowed-down to, this, paired with everything else I just Mentioned, just kinda leaves me feeling alienated from my own views and literature.

Does anyone have some potential advice to share? Thanks :comrades:

    • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Read Engels and Lenin.

      Yes, this. I am an uneducated dumbass with the attentionspan of a coked up toddler, but I have really enjoyed reading these two writers.

    • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Those two books are like 300 pages combined, you can read them both in a weekend even if you're barely literate