
      • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
        6 个月前

        This isn't the post to argue it, but I actually really like people, we as communists are trying to save humanity at the end of the day badeline-heh

        But also obviously this shit is just whitewashing cracker crimes in a white supremacist world order.

        • Xx_Aru_xX [she/her]
          6 个月前

          But also obviously this shit is just whitewashing cracker crimes in a white supremacist world order.

          "Humans are evil, Humans colonized natives and enslaved Africans, humans also did the holocaust and dropped nukes on other humans.... wait a minute"

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          6 个月前

          I'm with team human cause I am one, but I've got a LOT of sympathy and empathy for animals and well, basically from the start we have been extinction machines, even cavemen being able to throw things a long distance and sweat and whatnot had us clocking out species after species and that's at our least technological level. We are an ecological disaster from the very start and almost every other thing that's alive on the planet would be stoked to see us wiped off the face of the earth. This isn't like human nature is for us all to be greedy little capitalists, but looking at how every other animal has acted on the planet compared to us, and you gotta admit, we're death and destruction incarnate to most things that live on this planet and always have been.

        • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
          6 个月前

          The main counter argument I'd make is that so much of humanity is destroying the environment. You're right though, humans are not inherently atrocious creatures. Commies are for the people madeline-smug

          • voight [he/him, any]
            6 个月前

            Broke: actual misanthropy

            Woke: climate justice and animal liberation