• iain@feddit.nl
    6 个月前

    One time he went to a US submarine in the Arctic and thanked the soldiers for protecting the USA. AGAINST WHO? Polar bears? What a bootlicking loser.

    • Awoo [she/her]
      6 个月前

      He was personally involved in the anti-rpg protection systems used on tanks and other armoured vehicles during the Iraq/Afghan wars and is very proud of his work "protecting people".

      • FunkyStuff [he/him]
        6 个月前

        Sorry to reply 3 days late but do you have a source on this? I stopped watching his channel after the submarine videos (I knew he had worked in a PMC before but figured it was good he left it behind, clearly maintained contacts for the propaganda vids tho). Would like to know more specifics.

        • Awoo [she/her]
          6 个月前

          At 8:30 of this video he brings it up during his talk at nasa and highlights the fact he can't talk about it for 25 years, he worked on aircraft for the army afterwards and then helped develop Javelin missile systems. He talks quite extensively about his history and so on here because (in his own words) he wanted to establish credibility with the nasa people who would otherwise not give a shit about what he has to say if he were just some youtube guy: https://youtu.be/OoJsPvmFixU?t=510

          I think he presents himself in a very friendly way but is a loyal imperialist dog to his very core. A true believer.

    • barrbaric [he/him]
      6 个月前

      Worse was the one where he had some interview with the general in charge of psyops who pointed out that he was disseminating US military propaganda in his videos and he was just like "wow I can't believe it that's so interesting".