It looks like youve added shinigami eyes to your browser because that's how it displays links that have been marked as transphobic (so Stalin's been marked as transphobic so his Wikipedia page is highlighted red)
Oh, I guess lucky me, I've never seen the red example, only the green one. Weird that Stalin's wikipedia page of all things is homophobic. I'm guessing it has a bullshit section on how Stalin killed a million billion trans people or something.
It looks like youve added shinigami eyes to your browser because that's how it displays links that have been marked as transphobic (so Stalin's been marked as transphobic so his Wikipedia page is highlighted red)
Oh, I guess lucky me, I've never seen the red example, only the green one. Weird that Stalin's wikipedia page of all things is homophobic. I'm guessing it has a bullshit section on how Stalin killed a million billion trans people or something.