:what-the-hell: :sadness-abysmal:

  • pppp1000 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Leftist seem to have forgotten that the US govt is the single most dangerous entity in the world. Those people criticizing China from a "leftist perspective", should start from home. Even if one's an ultra, China is infinitely better than the US. And I wouldn't go around pointing fingers at them first if one's living in the imperial core(North America excluding Mexico, Europe, Australia). White people can't even get any left wing concessions at home(despite all that compromise) but they're so eager to shit on AES countries. There is one aggressor and that is the west. Educate your friends and families. That's more praxis than shitting on AES countries.

    • Catherine_Steward [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Very confusing reply. The comment you are replying to was agreeing with exactly this sentiment, by sarcastically listing off the mildest forms of criticism while at the same time praising China.

      • pppp1000 [he/him]
        3 years ago

        I wasn't replying to him directly. I should have added my reply to my original comment.