I just redownloaded it and think it would be cool to run some old decks against whatever is being used now, or vice versa, or we both just some weird janky shit where we have a week to build around something silly (no two creatures of the same type, try and make a four color deck, ect).

Shit, I just really like talking about deck-building and piloting so feel free to hmu about anything MTG. Not caught up on the lore though, I dropped out of it after they kept doing crossovers.

    • GinAndJuche
      6 months ago

      Hell yeah! Which formats do you play? Historic was still kinda new when I put it away, and now there’s all sorts of cool stuff.

      • HiImThomasPynchon [des/pair, it/its]
        6 months ago

        I'm big on explorer. I like historic but the meta shifts so slowly and I hear there's one deck that's oppressing the meta in timeless. Wouldn't mind trying Brawl but I don't have the wildcards for it.

        • GinAndJuche
          6 months ago

          Explorer seems quite cool, thankfully all of the ban lost changes gave me some WC to try and find a new archetype to stick with (more likely pay the land tax and grind out the key parts after that).

          What archetype do you usually go for? I’m usually control or midrange, but it might be fun to break out the goblin chain whirler again…

            • GinAndJuche
              6 months ago

              UB control is a lot of fun. RtR had some cool creature heavy builds for that pair as well.

              Thief of sanity was great for meme builds.

  • soiejo [he/him,any]
    6 months ago

    Started to play again after they released that "timeless" format (love eternal formats). It's been fun, but my God it is annoying to get wildcards

    • GinAndJuche
      6 months ago

      Yeah, I’ve actually been dealing with choice paralysis because I basically have enough from the decks I lost due to bans to build a single deck that uses cards newer than 2021. I have no clue what to build rn to have a safe grinding deck.

      I should probably wait at least until the February set drops and the second tournament. Honestly waiting for the next rotation would be the smartest, but that’s a while away…

      • soiejo [he/him,any]
        5 months ago

        When grinding, I like to use a pretty good deck I found online. It's a red aggro/burn that has 0 rare cards, so it's cheap to build, pretty consistent and can definetly wim games. It's not the type of deck I usually enjoy playing, but it can be pretty fun and useful.

        But yeah, I also get kinda nervous when thinking of new decks to brew, every choice feels like I'm wasting my few WCs lmao

        • GinAndJuche
          5 months ago

          they don’t call it red deck loses for a reason, I’ll need to check out the state of mono red. Goblin chains go brrr