• ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
    6 months ago

    This isn't a completely baseless idea as there's a common thread in psychopathy/sociopathy, particularly when associacited with narcisistic personality disorder, of leaving clues that they believe are too cleverly coded for anyone less smart than them to decipher (which is everyone).
    This ain't that though. They didn't even manage to correctly identify the child - it's a fully grown "person" with a bag of money for a head.

      • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
        6 months ago

        You're right, ASPD is the real thing, but most people are familiar with it by those names.

        Edit: Just to clarify for casual browsers, psychopathy and sociopathy are not and have never been official diagnoses, though some psychologists have argued for definitions of them. Anti-Social Personality Disorder is the DSM name for all the ideas of psychopathy and sociopathy.