Fuck Edge.

  • fanbois [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I did the switch to Mint Cinnamon about two months ago. Installing took like 15-20 minutes + 30 minutes tweaking the ui and finding my way around. 95% worked out of the box, the screen setup via a dell hub required a bit of tweaking and i had to add a few lines to a config file to remove screen tearing.

    On the other hand: It shuts down when i press the fucking button. There are no ads. No random popups. No unremovable software. No Xbox game garbage, cortana, spyware, candy crush, news feeds, resetting of default software changes or forced updates. It's fast and clean and only does shit if you tell it too.

    Yes, it is sometimes a little obtuse and at some point, you might be forced to copy a command line from the internet into your terminal or a config file because writing a GUI seems often like the last priority for linux devs. But for the most part it just works.