Help me understand. Why aren't the bankers using their leverage to make Manchin do it?

Is there disagreement between different factions of the bourgeoisie? Maybe BBB is good for the financial but not the industrial idk

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    3 years ago

    The Republican strategy is to tell capitalists "Wait till we get in and then we'll pass a bill more your speed". And then they get a guy like Trump alongside a clown-car of Ben Sasse deficit hawks who shit out money without any actual public spending attached.

    Past that, its not like extractive industries aren't getting plenty of what they wanted. Biden's passed the infrastructure bill, he's done a bunch of bailouts and cash give-aways, he's opened up new leases for drilling, and he's given conservative states plenty of leeway to go farther still. There's always next cycle to pass a BBB Act even more stacked towards Capital's demands. And in the meantime, the Fed is getting ready to yank the chain on labor, so nothing but big profits and further consolidation of property on the horizon.

    What's the hurry? The Billionaire Class has all the time in the world.