Terrifying how many of our medical experts are barely holding on throughout the last two years with all this violence against them
Terrifying how many of our medical experts are barely holding on throughout the last two years with all this violence against them
I've been watching TPUSA's Americafest and it brings me no pleasure to report it seems they're going with the latter.
Any gems from that?
no gems, only brainworms.
I got to see Gym Jordan walk out onto a stage to a banger house track, a guy with no arms and no legs talk about how abortion is basically slavery, Jimmy John (from the sandwich chain) break down in tears about how he neglected his children growing up, and to be honest I'm not sure how much of it was a fever dream.
E: Day three so far I've seen O'Keefe's/Project Veritas' life story as told through interpretive dance and Seb Gorka spend 10 minutes talking about how he didn't have to hire Coyote's to get into god's chosen nation. Apparently my fever hasn't broken yet.
E: More to the point of original comment: "Back then, my parents fled to the US from a communist dictatorship. If America falls... WE. WILL. HAVE. NOWHERE. TO. RUN. TO." applause -Lion of Budapest
E: I don't know who Benny Johnson is but they staunchly believe Star Wars and Mean Girls are right-wing allegories and stories about conservative hero figures.
I don't know if I should give you an o7 for sitting through that or scold you for sitting through that
No shock from me that the elephant-murdering psycho is also a terrible father