Kids are hardwired to love learning, they will never stop asking questions and exploring the world.
Schools quash that curious spirit. They put kids in a boring, prison-like, highly regimented environment that seeks to teach discipline and obedience to the status quo. Don't think, accept your role in the capitalist machine. If you are bullied, no one will help you, but if you fail to complete work you will be punished. Most of all, get used to not owning most of your time.
Take note of this and try to rekindle your child-like curiousity and love of learning. Ask yourself, do you still have questions about the universe you forgot to ask as a child? Read about the planets, the stars, microbes, machines. But most importantly, do it at your own pace and do it because you still have questions. Not to pass some test, but for you.
I remember one of the things that frustrated me the most as a kid, was asking an adult "why?" and getting the answer "that's just the way it is".
Motherfucker, that is not an answer, even my 6 year old self knew that. Do better!
Lol same, I would get "Because I said so." and I would say "That's not a real answer!"
I was probably an annoying kid lol
We were probably both seen as that, but that wasn't our fault. It's on the unimaginative dipshits we were asking.
Questions are annoying when people don’t have the time or knowledge to answer them. Time is understandable, but if that’s the case, the answer should not be “because I said so” it should be “I don’t have time to answer that right so try and remember to ask me later”. A lack of knowledge is also frustrating because it should always be okay to say “I don’t know”
Based dialectical materialist first grader.
Me in first grade: :engels-wut: