• kot [they/them]
    6 months ago

    They didn't intend Reznov to appear cool, they wanted the player to think he and most of the red army was too brutal and barbaric against the nazis. The game even chastises the player as "just as bad as the other soviets" and "no hero" if you shoot too many unarmed nazis, molotov the railway station ones, etc. They accidentally made their game cool as fuck by allowing you to btfo the nazis though, kind of in a

    "look at those evil Soviets? Isn't this bad??" soypoint-2

    "no, it fucking rules" soviet-chad

    sort of way

    • Yurt_Owl
      6 months ago

      But they made Reznov the legit hero in black ops. The coolest character literal lenin makes a revolution by breathing.

      Reznov is legit the coolest character ever.

      The ending of waw was the most powerful moment I've ever seen. Raising the flag on the Reichstag

      • kot [they/them]
        6 months ago

        They also put him in an actual gulag, and made his fellow Soviets betray him for no reason. They probably realized they accidentally made him too cool, so they made him into "one of the good Russians" in the sequel.

      • Tunnelvision [they/them]
        6 months ago

        He actually wasn’t the hero he died in prison for believing in the communist ideal too much and overshadowing the Soviet leadership by being a well known war hero. Everything after that was Mason’s delusion.

        • Yurt_Owl
          6 months ago

          Black ops 1 is a cia psyop i refuse