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  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    I'm just going to be honest the Fort Detrick stuff is just recycled propaganda from the 80s when the USSR claimed that HIV/AIDS was created/spawned out of Fort Detrick. I'm just going to say, the USSR and GDR spreading AIDS misinformation is definitely one of the worst things that they did, it led to revolutionaries that they co operated with actually believing in many incorrect things about HIV that ended up causing a lot of harm. (See ANC officials weird stances on AIDS for example). That's not to say that they were uniquely evil or any red scare nonsense, the west was spreading even more harmful myths about AIDS back then. Like blaming it on gay people or POC. It's just that this literally the exact same thing, just replacing HIV with COVID 19.

    It makes me worried that people seriously believe it. Is it a fun conspiracy theory? Yea, but it's just that, not anything with concrete evidence. We don't have any concrete evidence of where COVID 19 started in the first place, and recycling HIV/AIDS conspiracies from the 80s, but with COVID 19 this time, just because it's anti USA, is not a good thing to do seriously.

    As someone that lives in a country where 1 in 5 people under fifty are HIV positive, and has seen the harm that HIV/AIDS does, I'm just very wary about old HIV/AIDS origin conspiracies being recycled.

    • crime [she/her, any]
      3 years ago

      Even pretending that this isn't plausible, who is harmed by this conspiracy theory? Only the US government. The only thing it would change is to further remove blame from China and, by proxy, reduce the amount of anti-Asian hate crimes being committed in the US and similar places.

      • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        Not really, because the Fort Detrick stuff is essentially saying that COVID 19 is man made or influenced, which opens up Pandora's box for a lot of conspiracy brained people.

        "If COVID 19 is man made, why trust anything scientists in the west say, they made the virus? Why get vaccinated with a "western" vaccine, they made COVID 19 after all? Why wear masks? Why self isolate?"

        That's the rabbit hole it can lead some folks down. It's harmless in spaces like Hexbear because both the mods and community itself have a very strong stance on being against COVID 19 misinformation. In the real world, this does not really exist much and conspiracies run wild. I've seen someone go down this path and believe that COVID 19, ebola and HIV were created by the USA. And refuses to get vaccinated, as all we have here are "western vaccines". And I don't think it's useful to contribute to that with yet another conspiracy and muddy the waters further.

        Also, why would racists change their opinion based on facts in this hypothetical scenario anyway? Racism is of itself illogical, if it was proven that COVID 19 came from Fort Detrick they'd just change their position to say that China covered it up while the USA tried to alert the world, or some other brainwormed stuff. And then continue to be racist.

    • yellowparenti5 [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      thoughts about this?