First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone here for being so supportive. When I originally reached out to Wmill about making a post in c/games, I just wanted to see if it was okay to share my game here. Even though you guys have always been very supportive, I never expected this much.

I also want all of you to know that every person who plays my game is literally helping me survive. In a few months, I may or may not be housing insecure depending on how this goes, so if enough people check it out I might actually be able to afford things this year like being able to pay rent, or even luxuries like going to the dentist. That's how much of an impact your support will have on my life.

But ultimately, even if only a modest sum of people actually like my game, I will be able to consider that a triumph no matter what happens. Being able to afford to live is real swell, but ultimately I did this because I felt that I needed to - that it was the only thing I could even stand to do with my time. To quote David Graeber again from a comment I made a few days ago: "Freedom is our ability to make things up just for the sake of being able to do so."

So you can get Kor on Steam:

A few people mentioned that they hated Steam, so I went to the effort to get it listed on as well:

Some said they wanted to help out more than just buying the game, so I will say that lets you name your own price for a game, though I certainly don't expect anyone to pay more than the minimum! It's also a dollar off at launch, to sync up with the Steam Winter sale. If you do end up playing Kor though, and enjoy it at all, please do me a favor and give it a little positive review; it encourages randos to give the game a chance and makes it more favorable in Steam's algorithm.

So lastly I'm going to say thank you again everyone for even caring about my work at all. Obviously I'm going to be scanning this thread all day while I work Twitter (and maybe :reddit-logo: even) so feel free to ask me anything about development or my experience or whatever, this will be my own little launch party! I think I'll even have a pizza, with spinach and mushrooms :party-blob:

(Also if you happen to find any real bugs or if the game crashes, please don't hesitate to let me know with a screenshot and I will rush to fix them right away)

Wtf the post has 200 upbears! :mao-clap:

  • thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    30 minutes in and it's exactly what I'd hoped for! Adorable, with great music and visuals with a curiously addictive gameplay. It's harder than I anticipated; I haven't gotten above a C on any of the moves! Enjoying it thus far, looking forward to watching the story unfold. Slug.

    • Goadstool [he/him, comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      The final boss is especially hard! Even I lose to them often during my test runs. I'll give you a couple tips:

      1. Try to practice the combos between your turns, it'll help you get the memory down
      2. Try to do combos slowly at first, just to memorize the pattern!

      Also if you get hard stuck, don't be afraid to swap to Story mode, the only real difference is a Steam achievement, and I want as many people as possible to see the ending!

        • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
          3 years ago
          not really a spoiler but just in case (tertiary dialogue near the beginning)

          lol the "uh oh my ancestors are CHEESED" line caught me off guard and genuinely made me laugh haha

            • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
              3 years ago

              kinda gives me adventure time vibes or something


              in the water plant thing when flargen's like "i bet the gremlins built it with OUR toolbox!" lol

              also that money is called doop lol