Mao Zedong , the son of a peasant farmer, was born in Chaochan, China, in 1893. He became a Marxist while working as a library assistant at Peking University and served in the revolutionary army during the 1911 Chinese Revolution.

Inspired by the Russian Revolution the Communist Party of China (CPC) was established in Shanghai by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao in June 1921. Early members included Mao, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De and Lin Biao. Following instructions from the Comintern members also joined the Kuomintang.

Mao worked as a Kuomintang political organizer in Shanghai. With the help of advisers from the Soviet Union the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) gradually increased its power in China. Its leader, Sun Yat-sen died on 12th March 1925. Chiang Kai-Shek emerged as the new leader of the Kuomintang. He now carried out a purge that eliminated the communists from the organization. Those communists who survived managed to established the Jiangxi Soviet.

The nationalists now imposed a blockade and Mao Zedong decided to evacuate the area and establish a new stronghold in the north-west of China. In October 1934 Mao, Lin Biao, Zhu De, and some 100,000 men and their dependents headed west through mountainous areas, this Began the Long March in which Mao would win the Political Power Struggle inside the CPC and become the Chairman of the CPC

The marchers covered about fifty miles a day and reached Shensi on 20th October 1935. It is estimated that only around 30,000 survived the 8,000-mile Long March.

During the Second World War Mao's well-organized guerrilla forces were well led by Zhu De and Lin Biao. As soon as the Japanese surrendered, Communist forces began a war against the Nationalists led by Chaing Kai-Shek. The communists gradually gained control of the country and on 1st October, 1949, Mao announced the establishment of People's Republic of China.

In 1958 Mao announced the Great Leap Forward, an attempt to increase agricultural and industrial production. This reform programme included the establishment of large agricultural communes containing as many as 75,000 people. The communes ran their own collective farms and factories. Each family received a share of the profits and also had a small private plot of land. However, three years of floods and bad harvests severely damaged levels of production. The scheme was also hurt by the decision of the Soviet Union to withdraw its large number of technical experts working in the country. In 1962 Mao's reform programme came to an end and the country resorted to a more traditional form of economic production.

As a result of the failure on the Great Leap Forward, Mao retired from the post of chairman of the People's Republic of China. His place as head of state was taken by Liu Shaoqi. Mao remained important in determining overall policy. In the early 1960s Mao became highly critical of the foreign policy of the Soviet Union. He was for example appalled by the way Nikita Khrushchev backed down over the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Mao became openly involved in politics in 1966 with the start of the Cultural Revolution.

Mao was concerned by those party leaders such as Liu Shaoqi, who favoured the introduction of piecework, greater wage differentials and measures that sought to undermine collective farms and factories. In an attempt to dislodge those in power who favoured the Soviet model of communism, Mao told students and young workers as his Red Guards to fight the revisionists in the party.

Lin Biao compiled some of Mao's writings into the handbook, The Quotations of Chairman Mao, and arranged for a copy of what became known as the Little Red Book, to every Chinese citizen.

Zhou Enlai at first gave his support to the campaign but became concerned when fighting broke out between the Red Guards and the revisionists. In order to achieve peace at the end of 1966 he called for an end to these attacks on party officials. Mao remained in control of the Cultural Revolution and with the support of the army was able to oust the revisionists.

The Cultural Revolution came to an end when Liu Shaoqi resigned from all his posts on 13th October 1968. Lin Biao now became Mao's designated successor.

Mao now gave his support to the Gang of Four: Jiang Qing (Mao's fourth wife), Wang Hongwen, Yao Wenyuan and Zhange Chungqiao.

Mao Zedong died in Beijing on 9th September, 1976. check out this mega about a fellow comrades new game they made themselves and give it support

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  • Not_irony [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Drove across a bit of USA yesterday, to visit family. Traffic was lite, so it wasn't that bad, but man, cars are just a comically shitty version of a train.

    Take a train. Then make it slower. Then make it so you can't stand up. Or even change seats. Take out the bathroom. Then make it so each person has to drive their own car. Then remove the tracks so that you can WILL crash if your aren't careful. Then make the wheel rubber so they wear out. Then turn the road from steel to asphate so that it can get pot holes. Then make it so that you have to own and maintain each car, privately. Then make it so you have to keep this shit train at your house.

    And on and on and on.


    • AllCatsAreBeautiful [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I did an amtrak trip earlier this year and it both ruled and demonstrated to me how much we need better train infrastructure. Like, I already knew our trains were shit, but a 2.5 hour direct flight takes 14 hours by train. I still recommend the train though if you have the time to spare.

      • Not_irony [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Was looking into doing a Amtrak trip, basically for the fun if it, and just couldn't justify it. Wanted to do NYC, but would take over two days, and the times were really inconvenient (3am, 11pm, etc).

        Might do a day trip to the city next door, but with American cities being so car centric, I would then just be stuck in said city.

        • AllCatsAreBeautiful [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Personally I used a railpass which is $500 for 10 segments within 30 days. It only worked for me cause I had a lot of time on my hands, but boy was it a great experience. Also I wouldn't count out the amtrak redeyes. Even coach is quite comfy if you bring a blanket. A pillow is good too but not essential. It may take longer, but amtrak is mostly about the riding experience itself, so if you have the time I recommend it.