(Well, first of all, and just for the record, my mother is a native Russian-speaker so mine is around B2-C1 level, so I have ok access). The big difference is that in the Russian segment of the media they translate what other countries are saying about them. There are separate websites for that that get quoted by news agencies. That often includes comments by regular people below the news articles too. That's like always part of the media sphere, discussing what the West says especially. It's refreshing. Even though I think they focus on the West a bit too much sometimes. There's a clear political line, of course, that is very different from the Western MSM, but they like to know what the other side is saying, not just making shit up.

But the most striking difference, when it comes to it, is that it is treated as signs. Not as truth or statements to be accepted or rejected because of the ideology you hold personally. Just as signs of what the other side's policy/intent/actions might be. There's a lot of interpretation and teal-leaf reading in the mediasphere. They laugh at the West too, ofc, esp the EU and the US right now, all the mishaps. But there is unease too. Because there's a sense that some breaking point is coming. Especially now that Russia demanded that the NATO doesn't do any NATO expansion to the East anymore. So everyone is speculating what those talks mid-January might bring.