• Awoo [she/her]
    6 months ago

    Bruh the very existence of MAID becomes a means of normalising the advocacy for genociding groups of people in society.

    I'm sorry to people that rightfully think it should exist but locked to terminal illness only. I am against that too, because of this shit. I'm against all of it. Despite the fact there are clearly actual instances where people need it as a dignified way out. Can't have shit under capitalism.

    • Sinistar
      6 months ago

      locked to terminal illness only.

      tfw Canada would classify "poverty" as a terminal illness ohnoes

      • Awoo [she/her]
        6 months ago

        I fucking hate that this program has done this to me because I have genuinely seen a lot of very very good people go out painfully when what they wanted was to do this. Pratchett in particular said a lot of things that hurt and gave me my original position of supporting the need for it.

        But I just can't. Because these fuckers will kill everyone for a dollar.

      • very_poggers_gay [they/them]
        6 months ago

        Yup. From the ruins of our "universal health care" (which never covered mental health in the first place) and lacking disability services, the government is building up MAID for people with only mental health conditions... "We'd rather kill you than make your life worth living"

        i think it's really scary that, as the same time the health systems (and everything else really) are crumbling, the government is making MAID more accessible, both in terms of where it is offered and who is eligible. it's the only area of our social programs that the feds seem to care about investing it.

      • SoyViking [he/him]
        6 months ago

        Canada did the Mitchell and Webb "kill the poor" sketch but for real.

    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      6 months ago

      I hate so very fucking much that this had to be the single fucking thing the Trad Caths were right about.

      "Unhinged drivel...The drive of capitalism will force initially compassionate Euthanasia increasingly down a path corrosive to the dignity of human life, much like abort...even more unhinged drivel"