I really want an answer to this from people who are not reddit-brained libs. I have seen some good points elsewhere about this contributing to a cycle of abuse and control, causing parents to withdraw their kids from school to beg instead, etc., but if someone is desperate enough to humiliate themselves by begging on the street, shouldn't we give to them? Or should I feel bad that I did give to them?
There are places where kids from loathed demographics - Roma, Dalits, "low caste" or "untouchable" people, are systematically excluded from education. Or, worse, places where the state may kidnap your kids while they're at school becuase [facism noises]. Boarding schools for indigenous people in the us "kill the indian and save the man" are an example of that kind of violence. Roma people in Eastern europe occaisionally have their kids kidnapped by the state and put in orphanages or adopted out.