Inb4 you say "stop being racist", I'm specifically referring to white city slickers. They just make me.. uncomfortable for some reason. I was dragged to a mall today and.. ugh. They all reminded me of the 'popular kids'from high school who had the same manner of dress and way of acting.
are you sure youre uncomfortable around city folks, or just uncomfortable around bougie white people?
Probably both I think
All white people for me lol
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White people seem to generally have less of a spark of humanity in their eyes honestly. Although that could just be me obsessively avoiding eye contact
It's because we're actually evil constructs built long ago by the devil scientist Yakub.
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This but unironically
Yakub is the great satan
I mean yeah they dont have souls
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Agreed. Whites are inherently less than human. This is straight from Marx and will win over the working class btw
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