I guess I'll get the cliché resolution out of the way.
2022 will be the year of a much healthier 1000mH!
This last year I've taken up yoga but I also plan to:
- add squats, planks, and lunges to my routine;
- run on a regular schedule again;
- eat more fruits & veggies; and
- finally cut Big Soda out of my life.
I will be cute if it's the last thing I do :angery:
What's your resolution, comrade?
Gonna get my arms big and then fuck as much as possible. Really gonna try to rack the numbers up
This is the year where I finally get strong enough to pop someone's head off with a single punch.
My new year's revolution? Hell yeah
But personally I want to fall in love again :lenin-heart:
Try to drop the mass amounts of caffeine I intake. I am going to fail. Failed last year. Failed last week. Lol
Generally I really to hold myself to higher standards this year. I want proper schedules and consistent routines. I've got no excuse not to go to the gym, I want to start cycling to college, I need to get serious about studying and I want to meet more people. Most of all I need to be a less fearful person, because I'm always scared of consequences.
Also I need to get my ass into gear for my org