Not anyone on here but people in general.

Person A: “I will buy [product X]”

Person B: “Don’t buy [product X]. You should get [product Y] instead because…”

Person C: “I’m concerned about your spending habits.”

Person D: “Lol you actually wasted money on that trash? What a dumbass. [Product N] is much superior.”

Person A: “It’s MY money. I EARNED it. I’ll spend it however I WANT.”

Like okay? puzzled No one is saying it’s not your money. There’s no SWAT team with submachine guns raiding your home and forcing you at gun point to put another item in your cart. It’s like speaking with children but they also pay taxes.

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]
    9 months ago

    And speaking of guns, I’ve noticed this very funny trend in the gun community where someone will explain why something is flawed or their preference for something else. But they always feel the need to preface it with along the lines of “but that’s just my opinion. The best thing about liberty is that you can buy whatever you want.”

    Who is this shit for? Are people seriously this big of a crybaby motherfucker that they need constant reminders that they’re big boys with big pants and can spend their money however they want or else they throw tantrums?

    • supafuzz [comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      Are people seriously this big of a crybaby motherfucker that they need constant reminders that they’re big boys with big pants and can spend their money however they want or else they throw tantrums?

      look at the comments on a bad review for a piece of music gear sometime, people get insane about how the thing they bought is self-evidently the best thing

      • RyanGosling [none/use name]
        9 months ago

        I can understand being a crybaby in defense of something you bought. But to be a crybaby in defense of something you’re considering buying is very weird

        • supafuzz [comrade/them]
          9 months ago

          it's all very weird. I guess consumer-brain brand partisanship kicks in after you've made the decision, even before you've actually pulled the trigger.

          I do the defensive after-purchase review watching thing, too. can't rationally explain it, but I'll watch more reviews to confirm I bought a good thing than I watched before I bought it. I don't comment though because that is what a freak would do

          • RyanGosling [none/use name]
            9 months ago

            I think it’s fine to want to reaffirm your opinions on something. Personally I don’t get affected by critique of something I’ll like. I’ll make fun of the person if I think their reasons are dumb of if their analysis doesn’t make sense, but I don’t need a 12 hour essay on dark souls or whatever.

    • Sinistar
      9 months ago

      You BETTER fucking buy an AR and a glock if you buy or recommend literally anything else you're just a LARPer
